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Counseling Psicanalitico per affrontare i “momenti di passaggio” della vita

Who has never dreamed as a child of travelling on a magic carpet to discover new worlds?

Who has never dreamed of learning to fly?

Since time immemorial, the magic carpet has been the protagonist of fairy tales and stories, a magical tool that can make our innermost dreams come true, if only we can learn to use it properly.

Our project takes the flying carpet as a metaphor for an imaginary journey of self-discovery, to explore the world of imagination and fantasy that lies beyond reality.

Per chi

The Flying Carpet Studio supports people going through transitional periods in their lives.

Combining the Analytical Psychology of C.G. Jung with a Transcultural Anthropological perspective, we support the development of people’s creative potential.

Life is made of many different phases. We grow up from childhood to adulthood to the old age. We fall in love, marry and divorce, experience births and deaths of loved ones. We move house, change jobs and countries, meet new people and leave old ones behind.

Unlike in the past, all these stages of life are now experienced mostly in solitude, often perceived as an existential crisis, bringing fear and uncertainty about the future, questioning one’s identity and requiring a radical change in attitudes and behaviour.

We believe, however, that the “moments of passage” are precious opportunities for a better understanding of the changes in and around us, which can lead to new, surprising discoveries that increase self-awareness of our inner potentialities.



Is your life taking an unexpected turn?

Do you feel dissatisfied with your job and relationships, lacking in drive, will and desire?

Ti senti stressato, ansioso, di umore instabile, vulnerabile? Sei incerto sul tuo potenziale, obiettivi e motivazioni? 

Do you feel depressed, burnt out, lacking in energy?

Have you experienced loss in your family? Are you stuck in a traumatic experience? 

Are you questioning yourself, your gender and your identity?

Working together in an analytical setting, we will use expressive techniques – active imagination, drawing, fairy tales, sandplay – to give space to a journey of discovery and recovery, informed by your emotions, dreams, fears and anxieties, as part of experiencing and learning from new life circumstances.



Do you consider yourself a “nomad of the XXI century”, a citizen of the world driven by discovery, adventure and new frontiers? But you fear exposure to different cultures and customs challenges your usual patterns of thinking and living?

Do you work in a volatile environment where constant change challenges your skills and strengths? Do you feel like a captain who needs guidance and support to ‘sail in stormy waters’?

If so, you may feel like a ‘modern-day Argonaut’, seeking to turn challenges into opportunities for a heightened awareness of your inner potential. Like modern-day Argonauts, our small group Creative Labs will take you on a journey to explore your talents through dreams, painting, myths, narratives and storytelling.



Coniughiamo la Psicologia Analitica di C.G. Jung,, la ricerca Psicodinamica e una prospettiva Antropologica Transculturale per sostenere lo sviluppo del potenziale creativo delle persone. La nostra bussola nel viaggio sono:

Immaginazione Attiva

un modo per accedere consapevolmente al potenziale creativo dell'inconscio attraverso l'amplificazione di sogni, immagini, narrazioni, disegni, réveries

Il gioco della sabbia

Il Gioco della Sabbia o Sandplay Therapy è un intervento terapeutico non verbale che utilizza all’interno di una sabbiera figurine e piccoli oggetti per creare mondi in miniatura, che riflettono il mondo interiore di una persona, le sue preoccupazioni e paure, i suoi desideri nascosti.

Social Dreaming

uno spazio di condivisione in cui il sogno individuale diventa una fonte per favorire il libero pensiero e co-creare nuovi significati

Listening Post

sessioni di gruppo per discutere insieme i cambiamenti sociali in corso, catturare segnali nascosti ed esplorare nuove soluzioni


Psychoanalytical sessions and self-expression experiences for individuals and groups to guide people through a process of transformation, activating their individual and collective resources.

All sessions are offered in 4 languages: spagnolo e francese.



-online and in person
- individuale
- sessioni di psicanalisi

Per affrontare:
life transition, personal development, identity and gender issues, anxiety, stress, mood disorders, loss, trauma

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– online and in person
– small group and individual
– psycho analytical counseling + expressive laboratories

Per affrontare:
transcultural issues, dealing with change, exploration, new life perspectives, enterprise,  learning by experience, leadership



– online and in person 
- esperienza di gruppo
- sessioni di sogni

Per affrontare:
future, dream sharing, community, visioning, renewal, trauma, rebirth



– online and in person
- esperienza di gruppo
- progetti su misura per organizzazioni, aziende, comunità

Per affrontare:
active citizenship, social innovation, forecasting, common values and goals, taking action

Chi siamo

Elisabetta Pasini

Elisabetta Pasini


Psicoanalista Jungiana con studio a Milano e collaborazioni di lunga durata con:
- IMD Business School di Losanna, come Analista PDE (Personal Development Elective) nell'International MBA
- NAGA ONLUS di Milano, per fornire assistenza sociale, sanitaria e psicologica a rifugiati e richiedenti asilo.

Cinzia Trimboli

Cinzia Trimboli


Ricercatrice senior qualitativa, collaboro dal 2008 con istituti di ricerca di mercato che operano sul mercato italiano e internazionale. Psicologa, Counselor PSOA per lo Sviluppo individuale e organizzativo, con la passione per gli studi sociali e organizzativi orientati a esplorare le dinamiche emergenti in contesti di cambiamento. Dal 2018 collaboro con il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Formazione e Sviluppo Risorse Umane presso l’Università Bicocca di Milano.





2024 starts with a rich calendar of events!!!! January begins with the annual International Listening Post session, “Italy and the World at Dawn of 2024”, online on zoom platform, 18,30/21.00…

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