How we work
”Every good idea and all creative work are the offspring of imagination. …The debt we owe to the play of imagination is incalculable.” (C.G. Jung, CW 6, §93.)
Conceived by Jung in the Red Book as an imaginative process, Active Imagination takes dreams in a ‘prospective’ way, amplifying and visualising them through symbols, images and narrative to bridge the conscious ego with the unconscious content.
In a therapeutic process, Active Imagination builds on the less controlled activities of the mind, such as daydreaming, spontaneous fantasies, reveries, obsessive thoughts, to activate the creative parts of the self through imagination and fantasy.
Is it possible to represent the inner world in a sandbox, to challenge fears and anxieties with the imagination and to express the most hidden desires? Sandplay therapy, developed in Zurich in the last century by the Swiss therapist Dora Kalff, a scholar of C.G. Jung, in her work with children, is also used in adult therapy to get in touch with one’s inner world, to make inner fears and nightmares tangible and alive, and to activate the self-regulating resources of the psyche that allow them to be overcome. Because sand is one of the first ways of experiencing reality, and an ongoing process capable of reinventing it.
Since ancient times, dreaming has been used by many cultures around the world, from Native Americans, Africans and Australians to the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Chinese, as an important way of bridging past and present and guiding people into the future.
Social Dreaming, building on this legacy, brings new thinking and meaning to contemporary society: our dreams, when safely shared, generate new thinking, open our minds to different perspectives, become a powerful source of creativity, and develop new learning.
Social Dreaming is used in organisations, groups, associations, communities, projects, events, conferences or stand-alone forums.
Originating in OPUS (Organizations for Promoting the Understanding of Society, London) at the end of the 1970s as an ongoing research to explore the dynamics of change in society, the Listening Post assumes that some of the characteristics of society can be expressed unconsciously by a group of people.
The sharing of experiences and thoughts by participants in their role as reflective citizens provides a “snapshot of society at a particular moment in time”, highlighting the conscious and unconscious dynamics of change and socio-cultural trends.