What are the “moments of passage”?

We believe that “moments of passage” are precious opportunities to better understand the changes in and around us, which can lead to new, surprising discoveries that increase self-awareness of our inner potentialities.



Is your life taking an unexpected turn?

Do you feel dissatisfied with your job and relationships, lacking in drive, will and desire?

Do you feel stressed, anxious, moody, vulnerable? Uncertain about your potential, goals and motivations? 

Do you feel depressed, burnt out, lacking in energy?

Have you experienced loss in your family? Are you stuck in a traumatic experience? 

Are you questioning yourself, your gender and your identity?



Do you consider yourself a “nomad of the XXI century”, a citizen of the world driven by discovery, adventure and new frontiers? But you fear exposure to different cultures and customs challenges your usual patterns of thinking and living?

Do you work in a volatile environment where constant change challenges your skills and strengths? Do you feel like a captain who needs guidance and support to ‘sail in stormy waters’?


There are moments in life when too many uncertainties leave us feeling “lost in the woods”, without a clue as to what to do. If you are looking for new impulses, creative insights, a fresh start, these transitional periods can be good opportunities to embark on a journey of self-discovery based on the resources of your unknown inner potential.

Working together in an analytical setting, we will use expressive techniques such as Dream Analysis, Active Imagination and Sandplay Therapy to create space for a journey of discovery and recovery informed by your emotions, dreams and fears as part of experiencing and learning from new life circumstances.


If you have an urge to prove your skills and talents in confrontation with others who have the same needs and wills, you may feel like a ‘modern-day Argonaut’, seeking to turn challenges into opportunities for a heightened awareness of your inner potential.

Like modern-day Argonauts, our small group Creative Laboratories will take you on a journey to explore your talents through dreams, painting, myths, narratives and storytelling. Combining sessions of psychoanalytical counselling and creative laboratories of self-expression (photography, urban explorations, readings, narratives, drawings), we challenge the habitual patterns of thinking in order to modify life strategies and cope with new situations at work and in life.