Who we are
In my professional experience I have always been concerned by the development of individuals, groups and organizations.
In more than 15 years of living and working in different countries (UK, US, Latin America, Switzerland, Spain, Dubai) I’ve got a significant experience on transcultural differences, change, innovation, creativity. From my work with multicultural and multilingual teams as well as from my anthropological background, I learned that living abroad you are confronted with the need to review and revise your ‘normal’ behaviors, habits and ways of thinking; which is not always easy, but can lead to the discovery of new energies, meanings and motivations.
At the beginning of my career I worked for several years as a corporate Human Resources Manager and as a consultant in Future Concept Lab, an international laboratory on Market Trends and Innovation. From these experiences I learned how much our emotions, expectations, fears and vulnerabilities influence our working relationships.
As a psychoanalyst at the C.G Jung Institute for Analytical Psychology in Zurich, of particular interest to me is the relevance the recognition of differences has in a process of individuation and the extent to which our individual growth and development is influenced by the ‘unknown other’ – both the ‘unknown’ parts of ourselves, as well as the encounter with people from different backgrounds and cultures.
My passion is driving people through those ‘moments of passage’ we often experience in life, when looking into yourself can lead to the discovery of hidden potentialities and bring a tournament in life. My project aims to connect the creative and imaginative potential of dreams with the anthropological perspective of the encounter between cultures, using the analytical setting to support the development of an individuation process.
Working together, we will give space to this – a journey of self-discovery informed by your emotions, dreams, anxieties, that are all part of experiencing and learning from new life circumstances.
My “mantra”
“The most precious gift strangers can bring is their difference; and if you focus on the divergent and the dissimilar, you will have, you too, illuminations…” (Fatema Mernissi)
My background
- Psychoanalyst accredited at the Jung Institute of Analytical Psychology in Zurich
- Master in Social Anthropology – London School of Economics, UK
- Training in Psychosocioanalysis – Ariele, the Italian Association of Psychosocioanalysis, Milano, Italia
- Advanced Training in Group Dynamics – Opus, Organization for the Promotion of Social Understanding, London, UK
- University Degree in Political Sciences – Bologna University, Italy
My network
My books
- Carisma, il segreto del leader (Charisma, the Leader’s Secret) Garzanti, Milano, 2009
- European Asymmetries: the 6 trends in consumption that are shaping the new Europe, Scheiwiller, Milano, 2002
My articles
- The Unexpected Way: Dreams at the time of Covid 19. A Social Dreaming Experience – Thesis for the Psychoanalytic Training Program- Kusnacht, Switzerland, 2021
- LIstening Post & Social Dreaming: esplorare l’immaginario sociale e stimolare la nascita di un nuovo pensiero collettivo – in Cantieri, Educazione Sentimentale n. 33/2020 – Franco Angeli, Milano
- Cinderella vs Sherazade: the Symbolic Meaning of the Veil in the Islamic Culture: Comparison of the Female Imago in the East and the West, paper at the Opus International Conference, London, 18/19 November 2016, (tbp)
- El Futuro del Trabajo 2015
- The Three Paradoxes of the Leaderless Organization, in Organisational and Social Dynamics, vol. 15-1, Karnac Books, London, 2015
- Charisma as Liminal Space: New Perspectives for the Charismatic Phenomenon in the Digital Era, paper at the Opus International Conference, London, 21/22 November 2014
- Conversations about Charisma: Andrea Branzi and Bruce Mau, in Experimenta, July 2008
- Camper: from an Ethic of Process to an Ethic of Concept, in Experimenta, October 2005
- Charisma as Liminal Space: the South African case of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), essay on Social Anthropology, London School of Economics, 2004
Approach to the research
My background
- MA course in Applied Narrative Medicine, Istud, Milan Italia
- Training in Psychosocioanalysis – Ariele, the Italian Association of Psychosocioanalysis, Milano, Italia
- MA course in Metodology of Applied Social and Market Research, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy
- Master Degree in Labour and Organization Psichology, University of Turin, Italy
My articles
- Edited by Dario Forti, Mauro Ceruti, Paolo Magatti, Daniela Patruno, Giorgio Puzzini, Paolo Romagnoli, Barbara Toffolo, Mauro Tomè, Cinzia Trimboli, Cantieri. Un pedagogista geniale. Ricordando Paolo Perticari / Per il welfare che verrà. Agorà, uno spazio di ricerca e di intervento. In Educazione Sentimentale, n. 35, Franco Angeli, 2021
- Listening Post & Social Dreaming: esplorare l’immaginario sociale e stimolare la nascita di un nuovo pensiero collettivo – in Cantieri, Educazione Sentimentale n. 33/2020 – Franco Angeli, Milano
- Baldassarre M., Trimboli C., “Presenti sommersi, futuri emergenti: una lettura psicosocioanalitica dei cambiamenti individuali e collettivi”, in Educazione sentimentale, 21, 2014
- Edited by Andrea Coco, Fabio Galluccio, Claudia Piccardo, Cinzia Trimboli. Proposta di utilizzo del film “Un tocco di zenzero” a supporto della formazione al cambiamento, in FOR Rivista per la formazione, n. 80, Franco Angeli, 2009